Texas Defense Monitor




Andrew Strickland - Editor In Chief

Hello, welcome to our site. Last semester was quite quite busy and I spent spring break as a Focus Catholic Missionary in Lima Peru. We helped build stairs and retaining walls in the poor areas. It was a powerful experience. I finished my University classes in Orvieto, Italy. Italy was awesome. Orvieto is a very ancient (as in Etruscan) and beautiful hill top town in Umbria. The wines and food of Umbria are great ! I also visited Naples, which is home to NATO headquarters for southern command .

In June, Fernando Cieza joined our team as a translator. Our spanish language content is NOW available. Our first translated article on PLA Modernization is now available. Just check the espanol checkbox, and then click the Asia tab. Where you see spanish text click on it. More spanish translations on PLA modernization to follow by NOV 3. NOTE: We had some HTML/JavaScript issues with our multi-language software roll out. Thanks for your patience.

We also published another 2 articles of our Intro to Quantum Mechanics series. One on Quantum Superposition, the other on Quantum Entaglement. Both of these articles may be updated later as we understand these subjects better. The intro series is now DONE, we will FINALLY begin looking at QM in Military affairs. But only after a little break. This is an INCREDIBLY COMPLEX subject matter. We need a QM break. Please be patient !

Finally, we will soon begin an in depth series of articles on the F35 Avionics system and the critical Block IV/TR3 upgrades. These upgrades will unlock the full power of the F35. TDM believes the F35 is a much villified aircraft that will insure American Air Dominance for the next 2 decades. Its gonna be a busy year end. STAY TUNED !!

Thank you for visiting us !